
We only choose the best and are here to provide affordable, quality shutters for our customers backed up by a great service. To make a great shutter you need quality materials manufactured not to bow, twist or warp, covered in high quality paint and finished with a quality install by our team of qualified joiners and shutter fitters. Depending on the product you are covered by a guarantee of up to 25 years.

What Makes a Quality Shutter?

Having imported shutters into the UK over the last 20 years and having been to the factories that manufacture them (an experience 99% of other shutter retailers have had not had the luxury of having) Mike knows what makes a quality shutter and therefore only buys the best. (By the way that does not mean the most expensive!) More windows in the USA are covered in shutters than any other window covering and The Great Shutter Co. supply the number one brand retailed in the USA (amongst others), where price is just as an important part of the equation as it is in any other country.

Where are The Shutters Manufactured?

Our shutters are manufactured both in the UK and in China in state of the art manufacturing facilities. We have access to the world’s bestselling shutter manufacturers, and they have achieved this status by delivering high quality shutters at a great price over the past decade. Their innovations in shutter design and manufacturing processes will ensure that you have years of pleasure from your shutters, and this is what makes them such great value for money.

How Do I Know I Will Get Impartial Advice?

The Great Shutter Co. is not tied to any individual manufacturer as we are completely independent, but as with most things price is related to the quality of the materials used and the manufacturing process employed. We will provide impartial advice on the pros or cons of the different shutter manufacturers and the materials they use. In all cases you are covered by the manufacturer’s guarantee.


Our shutters come with a 5 year guarantee (MDF with 3 years) and in the case of our vinyl shutters this is 25 years. Should you wish to extend your guarantee this is also possible, and we will advise on what we can offer depending on the range you choose.

Fitting Your Shutters

Fitting your shutters is a very important part of the equation and the team all come from a carpentry and window background ensuring that you will not only have a great product, but also a great install. Our reputation is important to us and recommendations are key to our success. So, just as we will not shoehorn you into the easiest design to install, neither will we just fit your shutters without ensuring that the install has a quality finish.