The Benefits of Blackout Shutters for Improved Sleep

Having the right window coverings in your bedroom is very important and it can make all the difference in creating a comfortable place for you to get a restful night’s sleep. Not only do they block out natural light and provide privacy, but window coverings can also help to control the temperature in your bedroom and create a cosy atmosphere. With so many options available, such as blinds, curtains and plantation shutters, it can be difficult to find the perfect window dressing that meets both your needs and style. 

It’s becoming increasingly common for homeowners to invest in blackout shutters for their bedrooms and there are so many benefits to these light-reducing designs. If you’ve not heard of blackout shutters before, below we have answered some common questions we’re asked by homeowners and explored their biggest benefits. 

What are Blackout Shutters?

Blackout shutters look very similar to any other plantation shutters, yet they feature an integrated blackout blind. This blind runs in a specially designed channel within the shutter frame and when closed, it provides complete blackout. Typically either a roller blind or a honeycomb blind is used with the shutters to help with light reduction and these blinds can also be remote controlled for ease of use. 

How do Blackout Shutters Reduce Light Bleed?

When compared to other window coverings, shutters are known for providing minimal light bleed as they’re made-to-measure and fixed to the window recess. However, with standard plantation shutters, you can sometimes get a glow between the louvres when they’re closed. 

Blackout shutters are designed to eliminate sunlight completely and they will keep light bleed to the absolute minimum. The integrated blind that runs behind the shutter louvres will prevent both direct sunlight and any glow, ensuring your bedroom stays dark at all times. 

Why do People Install Blackout Shutters in Their Bedrooms?

There are several reasons why homeowners choose to install blackout shutters, but the main reason is often to do with improving sleep quality. When your window coverings aren’t able to effectively block light, it can have a big impact on your ability to get to sleep at night. Many will also wake up earlier in the morning when the sun starts shining through their windows. For many street lighting has a huge impact as bedrooms tend to be on the second floor at the height of the bright street lights.

Blackout window shutters are very popular among people who work unsocial hours and need to be able to sleep during the day. The extra level of blackout they provide will make it easier for people to get to sleep when it’s daylight outside. Similarly, they’re popular for nurseries and children’s bedrooms as they can make it easier for babies and toddlers to nap during the day. Parents often find it easier to maintain a good sleeping routine when they can make their little one’s bedroom dark at any time of the day. 

What are the Benefits of Having Blackout Shutters in Your Bedroom?

When you install blackout shutters in your bedroom, you won’t have to worry about natural light impacting your sleep. It will be easier for you to turn your bedroom into somewhere dark and cosy to sleep, whether that’s during the day or the night. You won’t have to worry about natural daylight keeping you awake or waking you up when you have blackout shutters and if you close the blind and louvres, you won’t be impacted by the amount of light outside. 

Improved light control isn’t the only benefit of these window shutters. As touched on above, they also help to keep your bedroom at a comfortable temperature. Lots of people struggle to sleep when their bedroom is too warm, especially during the summer months. Installing blackout shutters and closing the blind during the day can help to keep your bedroom cool. If the sun usually shines directly through your bedroom window, blackout shutters can make a huge difference and it will be easier to keep your room comfortable. The honeycomb fabric in particular is a great insulator too. You will notice a big difference in winter as the double effect of highly insulating shutters combined with honeycomb blinds will provide you with a type of secondary glazing.

Installing Blackout Shutters in Your Bedroom

Now you know more about blackout shutters, if you’re interested in installing them in your bedroom, don’t hesitate to contact us at The Great Shutter Co. We supply several shutter ranges and we can help you to design the perfect bedroom shutters. We can provide the best solutions for large windows as well.  

With many years of experience behind us, we are always happy to provide our customers with tailored advice for free. We will work closely with you, comparing different options and listening to your ideas, and help you to ensure you’re making the right decisions for your bedroom. We can even bring some samples to your home, so you can compare them in your bedroom and make sure they’re perfect for your space.